

Chicago, IL

Your Medium

Metalsmith jewelry, beaded jewelry and greeting cards and gift tags

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

At a church fair in Chicago where I sold a lot, learned a lot and started understanding that I was selling some items to low priced and some items to high priced. Pricing is always a learning curve an I continue to refine it. I also keep making a better display and change it depending on the venue as well as the type of items I take to an individual show.

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

Meeting new people and being able to share your art with them. It is fun to meet other artisits as well and many have remained friends for a long tine.

Best show ever and why

My best show was at the Do Division Summer Venue since I had the most sales there and it was my first show in a tent.

Worst show ever and why

A show by a private vendor where I was placed in a dark back corner and everyone had spent their money before they got to me. The second worst was at an elementary school where they put a few of us onthe 2nd floor and those who found us were disappointed because they liked our artwork better than what they had bought on the 1st floor. Got a refund on this one.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

I found you on a search on the web.

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  • Welcome to ArtFairInsiders.com, Lucy. I'm pleased to see you here and look forward to having you as part of our community.

    When you have a chance, please add a photo to your profile and stop by the "Discussions" area to introduce yourself to the rest of us. We all look forward to your participation here. Also visit the "member map" and add your location. We have a lot to offer one another, experienced and newbie alike. Let's make this a dynamic site!

    Best wishes,
    Connie Mettler

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