

College Park, MD

Your Medium

Jewelry and photography

Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Red Bank, NJ

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

They're so much fun. I always feel energized after being surrounded by so many creative people.

Best show ever and why

A farmer's market because I was the only jewelry vendor there. I think people have a limit, say, to how much jewelry they want to buy in a day so if they already get one piece from another vendor, they're less inclined to go with an impulse extra piece from someone else.

Worst show ever and why

My first show was my worst - I didn't have any displays, just laid all my jewelry flat onto a tiny, rickety card table. I lost money on that fair and cried the whole 4 hour drive home! (Well, slight exaggeration, maybe only half the drive. :)

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Stumbled across a blog post and was hooked!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I love birds and posted a FAQ page about parakeets that gets about 3,000 visits a month. That feels so rewarding, like I have a tiny corner on the web that maybe makes the lives of some birds I'll never know a little nicer. Also a huge fan of Pandora's comedy channel.

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  • Hey Holly,

    Welcome to AFI!  We're delighted to have you join us here and hope you'll find the site beneficial to your art show journey...thanks and continued success.

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