

Richland, MI

Your Medium

pen drawing, graphic arts, printmaking, stationery, paper goods, photography, digital art

Years in the Art Fair Business

1/2 year

First show ever

Richland Art Fair 2009

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

Being around so many other artists and creative people and the feedback and insight about my work.

Best show ever and why

Great Lakes Art Fair Fall 2009. It was my first three day fair and I met the most amazing and talented artists at this show. I was able to mingle more at this art fair and take the time to look at other booths.

Worst show ever and why

Holland Art Fair 2009. It rained for most of the day and I sell paper products.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

So far just for rain. I have only done a few so I'm sure I'll build up more stories in the future.

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  • Happy birthday, Elizabeth. I hope you have a fun-filled day and the year is full of pleasing surprises and great times.

    Great meeting you at the Great Lakes Art Fair.
  • Welcome to this forum Elizabeth - I'm glad you joined. You will get to know some marvelous artists and have access to their wealth of art show experiences. Great meeting you at Novi. I wish you great successes in future shows!
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