I have always painted sports portraits.....but this past winter I decided to paint portraits of local people....It was fun and much more personal to paint a local person intead of soing a paointing of Aaron Rodgers, the Packers quarterback....

And when I applied to shows with the local portraits, I was never rejected....it was amazing.


I had photos of my local portraits and submitted them for jurying....of course then I had to give the portaits back to subject I had painted.....


The problem arose when I was required to display 75% originals at several shows.....hey....this is kind of tough when the portraits are owned by the subject of the portait.....heck....it is impossible.....so I end up displaying 2 originals that I still have ...1.)self portait and 2.) a portrait of my brother in law.....then I end up fill in my display with sports portaits I have done in the past.....


I dont like this.....I would like to display my current work.....I have copies but, like said I do not have the originals......


And dont tell me to spend a lot of time gathering up orginal portaits from the local people for the 5+ shows I do each year......that would be tons of work....


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  • Another point......I got juried into every show I entered with digital images (portraits) of local people I painted.......I think that Green Bay Artstreet is a "better show".......200 booths, 80,000 people.

    It also worked at Appleton Art in the Park....which is smaller than Green Bay Artstreet but a good show.

    Ditto Oshkosh......still a bit smaller...but a nice show...

    Now I want do see if the juries of Milwaukee Lakefront, Kohler and Madison etc.....will like these portraits and jury me in....according you Larry, if these what you call "better shows".....I will not get in.....Im hoping you are not correct......Ill keep you posted.






  • I guess I don't understand what you mean by 75% originals.

    You don't make reproductions so isn't everything you hang original?

    If you're doing art shows to get commission work by hanging portraits, that's not something normally seen at better shows because those shows require everything in the booth to be for sale. And at the shows that aren't considered better shows, you can usually get away with anything you want.

    Larry Berman

    • 75 % originals to me means the 75% of the paintings themselves......with the other 25 % being prints or copies of the originals.


      Well Larry the "better shows" may want may want everything for sale.....but it not right......I see nothing wrong with displaying a few "not for sale" portraits in seach for commissions....(in additions to selling items also to a much greater extent).....and if the "better shows" really do in fact require everything for sale.....it is not right.....it is just plain goofy.....I am not "getting away with anything" as you put it.

      I know you know a lot about shows and their inner workings......so I will check out to see if the goofy things that you say  are happening, holds for a few shows, many shows.....or whatever.....I have to say I respect your input....

      • Have you called any of the shows with this requirement?  They may not have even considered this problem and be willing to exempt you.

        • Larry.....it may be true....but it is goofy.....Sorry Leonardo....no Mona....Last Supper OK.....Sorry Vincent...... no Self Portraits.....Sunflowers yes....Vermeer....No Girl with the Peal Earring......etc......lol.....goofy

      • Portrait artists usually don't do art shows because they have to stay locally to cater to their clients. Those who do art shows develop a second line of work to display and sell and also have a sign that they do commission portrait work.

        I'm not criticizing you or your work. But you have to ask whether the art shows you want to do are a good match for your portrait business, and then follow the rules when you apply and display what's in your booth.

        In over 35 years and well over a thousand art shows, I don't recall seeing a portrait artist more than a few times. They might have been there but it didn't stand out because they were displaying other work.

        Larry Berman

  • Lol.......another artist at a good show said.....hey....just paint duplicate portraits.......gee......instead of being creative.....I am supposed to waste 15 hours each on duplicate portraits......I dont think this is a good idea....sorry......and really painting a duplicate portrait would be boring too.....

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