
Evanston, IL

Your Medium


Years in the Art Fair Business


First show ever

Evanston art and Fork

What is your website?


What are the best things about art fairs

Opportunity to meet other artists and to seel art.

Best show ever and why

Hubbard woods - nice location, good size , good attendees.

Worst show ever and why

Glenview - art in the Glen. Poor booth location, isolated, minimal crowd.

Who referred you to ArtFairInsiders.com? Please be specific.

Found it on line.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I am a registered architect as well as an artist.

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  • Welcome to Art Fair Insiders, Nancy. We’re so glad you joined us. I hope you’ll find the site helpful and that you’ll share your ideas and experiences, ask questions and join the discussions. The site is only as good as the members make it. We have a lot to offer one another, experienced and newbie alike.

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    Many topics have already been discussed. We suggest you try a search of your topic before you post your question. Click the SEARCH tab at the top of the page and “search” for your topic: tents, jury fees, Ann Arbor Art Fair, the name of a show, etc. You might find that someone has already asked and answered your question.

    Check out our code of conduct to understand the rules of the site.
    Each of us is unique and has a gift to share that can help someone else. We all look forward to your sharing on ArtFairInsiders.com.

    Best wishes, Connie Mettler

    p.s. The best way to make this system easy to use is to click on the "Follow-Email me" link at the bottom of each Forum discussion that interests you. That way the system will email you automatically whenever anyone responds. It's a great time-saver.
    Art fair network for artists exhibiting at juried fine art fairs and art festivals. Info on best craft shows and call for artists nationwide.
  • Hi Nancy,
    Welcome to Art Fair Insiders! We're thrilled to have you joining us here and hope you'll take advantage of everything the site has to offer. Thanks for signing up and best wishes for continued success. Impressive "fun fact"!
    Cheers to Art!
    Your friends at AFI
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