Good news on the buy/sell front!  DW Events (yes, the director is my 
friend) kept one jeweler from setting up last Saturday at Deerfield, IL
because she couldn't prove she made the work herself, and asked
another jeweler to leave when called out on bringing work that she
did not make herself. I walked the show (no booth, just walking)
and the nearby artists were aware that someone had left but it was
done quietly and no one felt impacted.

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  • Always great to hear this. Thanks for the info, Amy.

  • That is great and it is good to hear about a show promoter has the testicular fortitude to enforce their own rules. Now, if only the other 5000+ other show promoters would do the same...

    • Wow, would love to have seen that at the Gold Coast show this past week end..

      The booth next to me was selling glass and they were asked if they blew all these glass items, he said "no I have a guy do it for me" I heard this too many times so I googled him on the internet, sure enough he has a production studio. He is an award winning glass blower but has production studio people do it for him...

      I had tons of people asking me if I made my pieces, I told them yes,I do it from wax, to cast to stone setting to finish, I told him everyone here is supposed to make their own work...

      He got an award for best glass artist probably due to , in the past, he studied under Chihuli..

      Sadly shows don't care who takes the space, as long as they fill it. The person who was supposed to be in that space never showed so this guy must have been on waitlist, set up as he wasn't in the listed artists directory.

      I juried into Hot Works show in Michigan a couple years ago, got wait listed and asked to prove I make my jewellery and my eyeglasses. So I sent a written description of my process and sent them a picture tutorial of  me carving a mermaid locket ring in wax, and I sent them a picture tutorial of me making eye glasses from the frame to the lense grinding... they let me in...

      I wasn't offended.I know it can get carried away, the discussion on how raw to go on materials, raising the sheep for  felt, weaving the cloth for clothing, mining the stones and metal for jewellery... but seriously if you didn't make it at all,  but hired it done...I think that means something... It diminishes all of us.

      • Yaaaaaaay! good to hear.

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