
  • The Geneva show is July 25-26.
  • When is the Geneva Show? I had to cancel her lakeview east show in September and she was great about refunding my booth fee.
  • I did two of Erin's shows -- Riverside and West End in LaGrange. She is a good organizer, great to artists and puts on a nice show. Sales could be better.
    • How was Riverside? My son just moved there. Apart from that I know nothing aboutthe community; whether they are art buyers or not.
      • This a small show which attracts mostly Riversiders, not a lot from surrounding communities. Riverside is an affluent community. There are art buyers there. Mostly conservative. And the Chamber of Commerce is trying to grow this show. Last year, the weather was bad so that is not a good measure. I am doing the Riverside show because I have many connections there. And, it is a pleasure to do an Erin show!
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