
  • I have done the Columbus show and it used to be a great show, however like most shows it has been in decline for years. I did the show last year and noticed that the crowds were there but I found them somewhat price conscious and uneducated about art. Set-up was pretty easy for my booth location. Since I have to drive from Denver I can't afford to participate anymore. The quality of the work in the show was pretty diverse too. There were some really well know artists and great work but there were also a few booths better suited to other venues. Bring plenty of weights and a very sturdy booth set up. Last year several booths were destroyed and the show was shut down due to inclement weather. Good luck at the show!
    • Thanks Sean , I was also excepted into Summerfair, which I did last year. Summerfair has also changed

      less customers not the same type of customers as in the past lower end crafts, but then what show has not changed.

      How is tear down, are there  nice reasonable hotels close by

  • Hey Lisa.  There is a good review of this show at  You might like to go there and see what was written about that show. 

    Once you are there, if you are able to leave a review about any of the shows, feel free to do so.  You will be helping someone else out who is in the same boat as you are.

    Jacki B

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