
  • And some shows are downright "artist unfriendly". Once they've got your booth fee, you're left to fend for yourself if any issues come up. They seem to forget that the artists are why the shows exist in the first place.
  • To me it's a show where the promoter sets up the spaces for a flow of customers so all exhibitors can get equal exposure.
    It's a promoter that has a sign on their desk that says "Early to bed, early to rise, advertise! Advertise! Advertise! And I do 12 shows with one such promoter.
    "Artist friendly" is a promoter who will leave me alone once I'm set up. Come around and make yourself available and visible, but let me do my job.
    "Artist friendly" is not overloading the show with jewelers. Limit that catagory just as you would all others.
    "Artist friendly" is a promoter that accomodates RVs, campers and motorhomes on site when possible. Or at least has a list of local campgrounds/RV parks.
    Same with hotels. Try to have a "host hotel" or at least a list of local places. One promoter up here in VT has a host hotel and hosts a wine and cheese reception on Saturday evening. And she takes the grumps as well as the compliments right there.

    It make no difference whether it's a fine art show, fine craft show or traditional craft show. The promoters have the same duties.
  • To me it's shows that look after the artist, other that just take our money and point to where we set up. They send around booth sitters, snacks, etc. A couple shows I do have local Boy Scouts helping you set up. Another show has half price on the food vendors. Artist Friendly would also be shows that listen to the artists and consider their suggestions for future shows.

    It's usually easy to tell if the show's promoters are artist or art lovers, or if they are just some community group, or convention bureau, that thought art fairs would be a good money maker. If I have a choice, it's the artist run shows that come first on my list.
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