
  • They are sold.
    • Thank you, Sandy. Looking forward to using them! Hope your show goes well.
  • I am in Ottawa,Ks but I am supposed to take them to my show in Yankton SD this coming weekend. I promised them to a guy from Mn and he is meeting me there. I will let you know if he changes his mind. Thanks
  • Are these still available? Where in Eastern Kansas are you located?  I am in the KC area.

  • They are Armstrong panels but I don't want to ship. Thanks for your interest though.
  • Hi Sandy - if you don't have a local buyer, any chance you'd be willing to ship these, with buyer paying shipping costs?  I'm looking for a set of dark gray knockdowns which would work better for my new vehicle. If you are willing/able to ship, what would cost be to ship to the Seattle area? Thanks!

    Are these Armstrong panels?  It seems like Pro Panels only makes knockdowns in smaller widths but I do prefer the 38" variety as you have.

    Last question: are these standard legs or telescoping legs?

  • Do you have any photos? Looked like there was one attached, but it is a photo of a waterfall when I download it. Also, any additional info re: age, what's included, etc.? Thanks!

    • They are four years old , no snags or rips . When I got them we needed the space but since then have acquired a trailer. The connectors are included but I will be using the stay bars etc. If you are interested I will be doing a show in Yankton SD Aug. 19-20. I am having a problem attaching a photo but if you give me your email address i can send you one.




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